Who doesn't love bingo? Especially when treats and prizes are involved! That's why it's such…

Whitman Sampler Quilt Exhibit at the Libey Gallery
The Whitman Sampler Quilt Guild of Colfax has completed a quilting challenge and has the results on display at the Libey Gallery now through November 21st. The members of the guild were given a panel with instructions to make it unrecognizable from the original panel. Through pattern selection and use of other fabrics each member was able to quilt a unique work of art to share.
Guild member, Sherry Brouse, says of quilting “Quilting is a form of art that we have in common. It is an art that has no bounds. From bed quilts to purses, wall hangings to clothing, we use fabric to express ourselves. Other people may make the fabric or design the patterns that we use, but it is our thoughts that go into picking the patterns, fabric design and color that make each piece ours.”
The Libey Gallery adjacent to the Colfax Library is open Monday-Friday 10:00am-6:00pm and Saturday 1-5:00pm.