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What is the Center?

Bettie and Bob Steiger

The Center is an annex to the Colfax Branch of Whitman County Library. It is an educational, social, cultural and business hub for the Palouse region featuring classes for all ages, public meeting space, a technology and training center, gallery space, business incubation opportunities, historic and tourist information and many more potential uses.

Other Details: Physical address is 110 S. Main, mailing address is 110 S. Main, Colfax, WA, 99111. The facility is 4000 sq. feet in total. Call 509-397-4366 for details.

  • Libey Gallery/Large meeting room can accommodate 120 people seated in rows, 80 people at tables. Tastefully decorated with artwork, photography, history and more.
  • TEK Center/Small meeting room: designed as a technology, education, knowledge training center, the room can accommodate 24 people at tables and 40 people in rows.
  • Office Space: holds up to 3 people with desk and computer access.

How do I book the facility?

Check the calendar dates. If needed, the library can provide technology equipment and support, tablecloths and other services. Fees may apply. Contact Catalina Flores.

Please consider giving your time or a tax-exempt donation today!

Because the Center operates on usage fees, arts sales and donations your support is needed. Consider giving to the general fund or in support of a specific program like art or technology.

Who funded The Center?

Because the library district’s budget struggles to fund services and 14 locations, art sales, donations and use fees support maintenance and operation of The Center. Donations, grants and volunteer support were used to purchase and renovate the Center!

What did it cost?

Gary and Trudy Libey

Total project cost for The Center was approximately $540,000 including the building’s purchase. Besides hundreds of local donors and volunteers, major donations have come from: Don and Bettie Steiger and related memorials, Gary and Trudy Libey, the McGregor family, Anonymous donor for the roof and gallery lighting, local economic development grants, Innovia Foundation, Whitman County Library Friends/Foundation, Colfax Grandmothers Club, Whitman Samplers, Thrivent, Athenaeum Club, Empire Disposal, US Bank Foundation, Avista Foundation, and Soiree for the Center auction proceeds.

Who is involved?

Tom Maul Architecture and Design: donated assistance on the design of The Center.

The Colfax Downtown Association lists completion of The Center as one of its key objectives for the revitalization of Colfax’s historic downtown and in its Main Street Program goals.

The City of Colfax fully supports this project, seeing business growth and incubation as vital to the town’s future.

Southeastern Washington Economic Development Association and The Port of Whitman have both contributed to the Center through guidance & local economic development activities.

Plans call for Small Business Association, SCORE, Worksource and other experts to provide community training and small business support from The Center.

Washington State University’s Rural Communities Design Initiative completed a community needs assessment, completed sample design models using those results and is interested in partnering to see the Center become a thriving addition to the Colfax Community.

The Colfax Arts Council provides artists and programming for gallery events and other related activities.

Community Colleges of Spokane hosts Community Enrichment classes at the Colfax Library and at The Center supporting lifelong learning opportunities for local residents.

Community partners (individuals and businesses) are teaching classes, selling wares and participating in community events through The Center.

Additional planning included:

WSU’s Rural Communities Design Initiative held open community assessment workshops to identify the most pressing needs in Colfax. As related to The Center, they identified 4 key areas to pursue – Business Incubation, Art Center, Fabrication Laboratory and Community Hub.

Whitman County Library adopted new meeting room policies to accommodate for-profit uses of The Center and the Colfax Library meeting room while continuing non-profit uses as well.

What types of business incubation occurs at The Center?

The Center will consider a variety of business incubation options in the hope that entrepreneurs using the facility will develop a steady stream of business before venturing into their own locations throughout the region. Yoga, Dance, and Exercise instructors pay fee to teach their classes at The Center.

Libey Gallery space provides valuable exposure and income to local artists while The Center benefit from artist donations back to the facility to offset operating costs.

Professional Office Space/Small meeting space:

A small office is available for use by appointment. The office will provide users with a desk, computer, high speed Internet and room for a couple of guests. With limited broadband access throughout Whitman County, this Office will give budding business owners the professional tools they need for meetings and correspondence. Additionally, experts in small business will be providing free consultations and appointments from this space.

The Center currently provides technology classes that can benefit small business owners and employees. Additionally, the TEK Center and equipment is available for use as a training Center or classroom for small business owners and Microsoft certification coursework and testing.

Attracting visitors to the Palouse:

The Center’s gallery attracts visitors with its exhibits and events. In addition, the Center will seek out and provide information from Colfax, Pullman and our small towns. The Center will assist in developing a Travel Loop brochure that integrates the library’s rural heritage collection with historic sites throughout the county. The Center currently provides visitors with an Historic Walking Tour brochure of Colfax (produced by WCL) and hosts a Volkssport Walk to attract new visitors.

Enriching people’s lives:

The Center is becoming a hub of activity for our region providing educational, cultural or social engagement. Many community events are held or based at The Center!

The Center will inspire entrepreneurs and be the place for business development and startups. Travelers, artists, creators will gather in The Center. There will be many free opportunities along with some that cost a fee. Free classes will range from cultural and DIY programs to those that will help our area meet the challenges of the 21st century. Events will center upon innovation, small business, the arts, education, regional and community celebrations.

About Whitman County Rural Library District

Whitman County Rural Library District (WCL) serves a population of approx. 15,000 people over a large regional area (2150 square miles) with branches in 14 towns whose populations range from 80-2900 people. The main branch is in Colfax, which also serves as the county seat and hub for the outlying communities and rural areas.

WCL originally formed by a vote of the people in 1946 and continues to grow. Over the past 20 years, the library district annexed seven towns into the district by 75% or more “yes” votes.

Community support is strong, with residents continually voting to keep tax rates as high as legally possible.

Unfortunately, Washington taxing rate laws favor larger library districts and urban city libraries. Inequities can be very significant for rural districts like WCL. For this reason, WCL relies upon community donations and grants in order to thrive.

WCL’s mission is to be the community’s #1 resource for information, recreation and discovery. WCL is committed to serving all residents in the places where they live, work and go to school whether it be through our system of 14 branch libraries, the website or outreach services. To accomplish this mission, WCL strives to provide top quality information while meeting the most pressing needs of our communities.

As a result, WCL provides popular innovative programs like Microsoft Imagine Academy and certifications, Software Coding and other technical training, public computers, wireless Internet hotspots, business partnerships and support for literacy and other educational classes while still maintaining traditional services like outreach delivery to schools and seniors, preschool story hours and materials collections.

WCL’s award winning service!

Accolades include a Sustainability Award from Webjunction as “The Little Library That Could” and featured programs in ALA’s Real Success Stories. Bill Gates visited WCL in 2002 citing the library’s innovative approach to service and technology. In 2004, Washington State Library called WCL the best rural library in the State nominating them as one of the top 100 libraries in the USA. WCL’s programs and staff have won numerous awards and have been featured in local, state and national workshops, broadcasts and publications. Just this past fall, Friends of Whitman County Library were honored by The Washington Library Association for their efforts to fund important programs, facilities and resources.

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