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Whitman County Library Board of Trustees Meeting Colfax Golf Club December 13, 2013

Present: Rebecca Dickerson, Bob Bates, Steve Balzarini, Chuck Petras, Bev Pearce, Kristie Kirkpatrick and Peggy Bryan.

Board chair Rebecca Dickerson called the meeting to order at 2:14. She asked for additions or modifications.

The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Bob Bates motioned to approve the November minutes, Chuck Petras seconded and the motion passed.

Peggy presented the financial reports for November 2013. She presented payment voucher resolution #25-13 totaling $73,710.41. Steve Balzarini made a motion to approve the resolution; Chuck Petras seconded and the motion passed.

Peggy presented resolution #24-13 to certify the Revolving Fund, moving the bank account from Bank of America to US Bank. Chuck Petras made a motion to approve the resolution; Steve Balzarini seconded and the motion passed.

Traditional circulation dipped by 21%, a bit more than we’ve been seeing lately. The only branches seeing increases were Endicott and Lacrosse, two recently renovated locations.

High point on this month’s statistics is use of the Rural Heritage collection (4468), which continues to top other collections statewide. Children’s program attendance jumped by 130 kids or 9% and finally, WCL’s catalog was searched 900 more times than this same month last year at 7461.

At our last meeting, the Board inquired which branches see the highest number of volunteer hours. We’ll discuss this further at the next meeting when we have annual totals.

CONTINUING BUSINESS: Kristie discussed the search for a board member. A discussion followed. She will continue to search for someone from the northern part of the county. Advertising in the paper and websites were also discussed.

Kristie presented resolution #26-13 for a 2014 Levy Reset election, restoring the levy to $.50 per thousand. Chuck Petras made a motion to approve the resolution; Steve Balzarini seconded and the motion passed.


Kristie announced that Becky Dickerson and Peggy Bryan will be attending Library Legislative Day on January 23, 2014.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:48. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 21 at 4 p.m. at the Colfax Library.

Peggy Bryan, Recording Secretary

Rebecca Dickerson, Board Chair

For more information, contact:

Kristie Kirkpatrick at 509-397-4366

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