Christmas is just around the corner and the Colfax Library is excited to once again…

Community members admire trees before casting their votes during 2019 Festival of Trees
Entries being accepted for 2020 Festival of Trees in The Center at Colfax Library
Light up the holiday season in Colfax by entering the 2020 Festival of Trees this December in The Center at Colfax Library. Businesses, community agencies, and individuals are encouraged to enter.
This year’s trees will be judged in 4 categories, 3 of which will be voted on by the public. Categories include most creative, people’s choice, kids’ choice and judge’s choice. The Colfax Chamber of Commerce will sponsor contest awards.
Trees will be on display the month of December during Colfax Library open hours Monday-Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Thursday-Friday 10:00-6:00 p.m. and Saturday 1:00-5:00 p.m.
Space is limited and fills quickly contact Nichole Kopp 509-397-4366 if you have questions or would like to reserve a spot for your tree.