Who doesn't love bingo? Especially when treats and prizes are involved! That's why it's such…

Spring Break for Kids, Tweens, Teens at Whitman County Libraries
Looking for spring break activities close to home? Look no further than your library!
OZOBOTS: The Ozobots, tiny programmable robots invade Colfax Library on Tuesday, April 5 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. and Rosalia Library on Thursday, April 7 from 6-7 p.m. These line following robots provide fun hands-on STEAM learning for kids! Please make a reservation for Rosalia’s event at 509-523-3109; no need to RSVP for Colfax as all children ages 6+ are invited.
ART, SCIENCE, AND STORIES: Stop by St. John Library on Wednesday, April 6 starting at 1 p.m. for an afternoon of fun and art. Come join us for storytelling, creativity, and a little bit of science.
HOW DO HELICOPTERS WORK?: Take a break from spring break at Tekoa Library on Wednesday, April 6, 2-3 p.m. “See” how helicopters fly, with your very own hands! A fun and engaging STEM project that is best for ages 5-11.
TEEN/TWEEN COLLAGE CRAFT: On Thursday, April 7, tweens and teens (age 10 and up) meet at the TEK Center at Colfax Library for craft and snack. All supplies will be provided for a positive message collage entitled “I Am” from 1-2 p.m.