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New Devices for Checkout

Whitman County Library now has laptops, hotspots, and webcams available for check out. This new service was made possible through grants and donations provided in response to expanding digital access during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Library patrons who are 18 or older with a resident library card can check out a take-home laptop, mobile hotspot, or webcam for two weeks.
Non-resident cardholders and visitors can check out a curbside laptop for up to one hour to use outside the library using the library’s free public Wi-Fi. Computers with internet access are also available at all library branch locations for people to use for up to 30 minutes each day.
To reserve a device, library patrons can contact their local branch. Devices are available on a first-come, first-served basis and staff can’t guarantee availability for specific dates and times, but will accommodate requests whenever possible. Mobile hotspots are not guaranteed to work in all locations and are not available at all branches.
“All community members have the right to digital access,” said Library Director Kylie Fullmer. “These devices help provide that access so our patrons can complete school assignments, apply for jobs or assistance, sign up for a vaccine or telemedicine appointment, download an eBook from the library, connect with friends, and much more.”