All are welcome to compete in these upcoming virtual trivia nights. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN…
Library Board visits LaCrosse’s New Ice Age Exhibit
Whitman County Library Board members and staff toured the Ice Age Exhibit in the historic rock bunkhouses in LaCrosse at the conclusion of their July meeting held at the LaCrosse Gathering Place. All were impressed by the displays and the 30 minute film, “Remarkable Land and a Remarkable People: A World of Fire and Ice.” The group toured the community and was astounded by the many accomplishments of The LaCrosse Community Pride. The Museum is open each Friday from 1-3 p.m. or by appointment at 509-549-3625 or 509-549-3613.
The Library Board of Trustees so enjoyed their time in LaCrosse including the presentation of the Library Supporter, July Board meeting in the Gathering Place, tour of LaCrosse Library from Tami Schwartz, branch manager, tour of the Ice Age Exhibit in the Historic Rock Bunkhouse, and finally, dinner at the LaCrosse Café.
Thank You Pioneer Telephone!
Pioneer Telephone and manager Dallas Filan were presented our Library Supporter of the Month Award by the WCL Board and LaCrosse Librarian, Tami Schwartz. They support LaCrosse and Endicott Library programs and provide quality communication services to libraries and local communities.