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Artist Meet & Greet “Inner Landscapes”

Community members are invited to an open house reception for local photographer Jim Trivelpiece on Wednesday, July 11 from 5-8 p.m. at The Center. Attendees will meet the artist, view the exhibit, “Inner Landscapes,” and enjoy yummy refreshments.

For this show, Trivelpiece snapped photos in unlikely places all around the Palouse and then explored, “what occurs when the lens is pointed back at the photographer.” Following the tenets of abstract painting, the images take on the task of photographing the inner life of the one holding the camera.  Following this theme, the photos also touch on Asian philosophy, physics, rock and roll, graffiti, trains and science fiction.

Trivelpiece Artist Reception at the Colfax Center Wednesday, July 11, 5-8 p.m.

Trivelpiece explains that with abstract art, we are not seeing an image that the artist created.  We are experiencing a combination of the art and our reaction to it.  He says, “My favorite art is not a picture of something, but a picture of the act of seeing.  As our eyes “read” the image, the object in the frame causes our eyes and our minds to construct a new experience.  And with each fresh viewing, the experience is different.”

Inner Landscapes runs July 2- August 31 in The Center at Colfax Library. Exhibit hours are Mon. – Wed. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Thurs. & Fri. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sat. & Sun. 1 to 5 p.m., except holidays. Contact Whitman County Library for more information at 509-397-4366 or at

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