Who doesn't love bingo? Especially when treats and prizes are involved! That's why it's such…

Anchoring Yoga at Palouse & Colfax
Get anchored in the present moment this summer during these Oceans of Possibilities Summer Reading events. Adults are invited to Anchoring Yoga at the Palouse Community Center with Leslie Sena on Friday, July 8 at 6:30 p.m. and at Lookout Park in Colfax with certified instructor, Meggie Cafferty, on Monday, July 11 at 6 p.m.
For the Palouse event, limited mats are available but participants may bring their own. For the Colfax event, the library will provide mats and blocks, but participants may bring their own. Due to parking limitations at the park, participants are encouraged to carpool with friends who also plan to attend; there is a suggested donation of $5.00 per person, although no payment is required.
For additional information, contact Sarah Bofenkamp in Palouse at (509) 878-1513 or Sarah Phelan-Blamires in Colfax at (509) 397-4366.Â