Approved Oct. 24, 1989
Revised June 17, 1992
Revised May 24, 1993
Revised June 28, 1994
Revised Feb 5, 2013
Revised May 16, 2019
Revised May 5, 2021
Article I Name
Article I Name
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Friends of Whitman County
Section 2. For marketing and fundraising purposes this organization may also be referred to by the following names or others, as determined by the funding priorities set forth by the membership: Friends of WCL, Friends of the Library, Whitman County Library Friends and Foundation, Friends of Albion Library, Friends of Colfax Library, Friends of Colton Library, Friends of Endicott Library, Friends of Farmington Library, Friends of Garfield Library, Friends of Lacrosse Library, Friends of Lamont Library, Friends of Malden Library, Friends of Oakesdale Library, Friends of Palouse Library, Friends of Rosalia Library, Friends of St. John Library, Friends of Tekoa Library, Friends of Uniontown Library, Whitman County Library Foundation.
Article II Mission and Purpose
Section 1. As a Type II supporting organization, Friends of Whitman County Library exists solely to support Whitman County Rural Library District and works closely with library administration to address the library’s most pressing needs.
Section 2. Through advocacy, funding, and volunteer support, the Friends of Whitman County Library works closely with the Whitman County Rural Library District, so that the library lives out its mission as our community’s leading resource for information, recreation, and discovery.
Section 3. The purpose of this organization shall be to maintain an association of persons interested in libraries; to focus public attention on the library; to stimulate the use of the library’s services; to receive and encourage gifts, endowments and bequests to the library; to support and cooperate with the library in developing library services and facilities for the community; to lend legislative support where needed; and to support the freedom to read as expressed in the American Library Association Bill of Rights.
Article III Membership
Section 1. Membership in this organization shall be open to all individuals and families in sympathy with its purposes, and to representatives of organizations, businesses, clubs or others when such representation is desired.
Section 2. Each membership is entitled to one vote.
Article IV Board of Officers
Section 1. The Board of Officers of this organization shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2. Officers shall be elected by majority vote of members present at the annual meeting for a term of one year.
Section 3. Should an office become vacant during the course of the year, the remaining officers can appoint another member to serve out the remainder of the vacant term.
Section 4. In rare instances where financial decisions need to be made outside of the Friends of Whitman County Library’s monthly meetings, approval may be obtained through a majority vote of three officers.
Article V Duties of the Board of Officers
Section 1. President: Will preside over and conduct the meetings, appoint all committees, and be an ex-officio member thereof, except as limited herein.
Section 2. Vice-President: Will assume the duties of the president in the absence of that officer and perform other duties as required.
Section 3. Secretary: Will record attendance at all meetings; assist with meeting announcements; take the minutes of all meetings; and conduct the correspondence of the organization.
Section 4. Treasurer: Will keep a list of the membership together with their addresses; and maintain the financial records of the organization. This officer works under the supervision of Whitman County Rural Library staff per the Type II organizational designation.
Article VI Meetings
Section 1. Business meetings will be held at least four times per year, on a date and at a location agreeable to most members.
Section 2. Each year, the January meeting will serve as the annual meeting where the election of officers will be held. Newly elected officers will take over immediately upon election.
Section 3. A special meeting can be called at any time by the Board of Officers of the organization.
Section 4. Branch Library locations may develop sub-groups of the Friends of Whitman County Library, operating under these bylaws but with a special interest in their local library and community.
Article VII Dues
Section 1. The cost of dues shall be reviewed, updated, and approved as needed by the membership.
Section 2. Dues shall be payable by members annually. Membership campaigns shall occur near the annual meeting and prior to Summer Reading.
Section 3. Donations of goods or in-kind labor can be substituted for monetary membership payments.
Article VIII Accounts and Sub-Accounts
Section 1. The Friends of Whitman County Library may establish sub-accounts through which to track different funds within their control. These may include but are not limited to branch locations, building projects, Hayden’s Corner, Bettie Steiger Community Enrichment Center, Libey Gallery, etc.
Section 2. The Friends of Whitman County Library will approve expenditures by a vote of Board officers and voting members present at each meeting.
Article IX Amendments
Section 1. Amendments to the by-laws may be made at any meeting of the membership by two-thirds vote of those present.
Article X Dissolution of Organization
Section 1. In the event of the dissolution of this organization, the Board shall settle all debts and donate all monies and assets to Whitman County Rural Library District. The Board shall adhere to all per state and federal law related to dissolution.
Article XI Parliamentary Procedure
Section 1. Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, when not in conflict with these by-laws, shall govern the proceedings of this organization.
End of Bylaws