The Whitman County Commissioners recently appointed Ronda Penwell to the Whitman County Library Board of…
Whitman County Library Board of Trustees Meeting Uniontown Branch October 20, 2014
Present: Bob Bates, Chuck Petras, Rich Chittenden, Becky Dickerson, Steve Balzarini, Kristie Kirkpatrick, Holly Meyer, Nichole Jordan and Peggy Bryan.
Board chair Bob Bates called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m. at the Little Otter Eatery in Uniontown following a tour of the Colton & Uniontown Libraries. The board also toured the future site of the Uniontown Library, which is located where the Fire Station is currently.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Steve Balzarini motioned to approve the September minutes, Rich Chittenden seconded and the motion passed.
Peggy presented the financial reports for September 2014. She presented payment voucher resolution #12-14 totaling $56,026.18. Steve Balzarini made a motion to approve the resolution; Chuck Petras seconded and the motion passed.
Kristie reported on the September 2014 library statistics. She noted that overall circulation increased; with increases in Albion, Garfield, LaCrosse, Malden, Tekoa and Colfax and very modest decreases in the other locations. It was a strong month for library usage.
CONTINUING BUSINESS: Kristie reported on the progress with the contract with the City of Colfax. She reviewed the current contract, which has worked well since its inception in 1983. She discussed considerations and the city’s desire to protect Colfax citizens from paying unexpected costs or increases in their contract fee. After a brief discussion, the board recommended that Kristie proceed with negotiations, investigating an alternative option on a per year basis verses a calculation based on actual costs.
NEW BUSINESS: Kristie announced that Bob Bates was the library supporter of the month for October. Bob has been an amazing supporter of Summer Reading for many years becoming a valued board member 3 years ago.
Kristie presented the Social Media Policy for that addresses library, staff and public usage. A motion to accept Resolution #14-14, accepting the Social Media Policy, was made by Becky Dickerson; Steve Balzarini seconded and the motion passed.
Peggy presented the Microsoft Office Specialist Testing Policy, addressing the Microsoft IT Academy Program Certiport Testing Center in Colfax Branch of WCL. A motion to accept Resolution #13-14 , accepting the Microsoft Office Specialist Testing Policy, was made by Becky Dickerson; Rich Chittenden seconded and the motion passed.
Kristie discussed the search for a new board member; she will announce the opening and advertise for the position. Suzanne Schmick has expressed interest in the position and Kristie will forward her letter of interest to the Board. The board decided to interview her and any other qualified candidates at their November meeting.
Kristie announced that WCL recently was awarded a Digital Skills Training Grant in the amount of $50,000. Washington State Library awarded WCL this LSTA Grant. She commended Clancy Pool for writing and administering this grant.
Kristie reported on the progress at The Center. The next phase will be a partial renovation of the front façade and the awning as well as opening an entry between the library and The Center. She shared photos of the Architect’s rendering with plans for the windows will have photos of the Architect’s Drawings for the building.
Peggy announced that the Winter Luncheon and Meeting will be Friday, December 12 at 1:00 p.m. The luncheon and meeting will be at Events on Main. Please RSVP to Peggy by December 4.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:34. The next meeting will be on Monday, November 17 at 4 p.m. at the Colfax Library.
Peggy Bryan, Secretary
Bob Bates, Board Chair
For more information, contact:
Kristie Kirkpatrick at 509-397-4366