The Whitman County Commissioners recently appointed Ronda Penwell to the Whitman County Library Board of…
Whitman County Library Board of Trustees Meeting LaCrosse Library Library July 17, 2013
Present: Becky Dickerson, Bob Bates, Teresa Myott, Steve Balzarini, Chuck Petras, Angela Bennett, Kristie Kirkpatrick and Peggy Bryan.
Following a tour of the LaCrosse Market and Library, Becky Dickerson, board chair, called the meeting to order at 4:55 p.m.
Becky welcomed Angela Bennett and thanked her for hosting the meeting. Kristie reported on the library partnership with the LaCrosse Community Pride in the renovation of the building. She also reviewed circulation statistics and services to customers in LaCrosse and noted the Rural Heritage exhibit on display in the building.
Becky asked for additions or modifications; there were none.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Steve Balzarini motioned to approve the June minutes; Teresa Myott seconded and the motion passed.
Peggy presented the financial reports through June 30, 2013. She presented payment voucher resolution #14-13 totaling $87,283.23. Chuck Petras motioned to approve the resolution; Steve Balzarini seconded and the motion carried. Peggy presented Resolutions #11-13, #12-13 and #13-13 to set a dollar amount for the Accounts Payable Fund, Payroll Fund and Revolving Fund. Each of these accounts will be reimbursed monthly to the fund balance. Chuck Petras made a motion to accept Resolutions #11-13, #12-13 and #13-13. Steve Balzarini seconded and the motion passed.
Kristie reviewed the May and June circulation statistics briefly. She noted that LaCrosse circulation increased after moving into the Market. She said they had identified issues with website visits, but recently modified the way these numbers are calculated to be more accurate.
Peggy reported on the exit interview with Washington State Auditors for the Accountability Audit for 2009-2012 and Federal Audit on the Library Renovation. The Accountability Audit results showed the library internal controls and compliance with state laws were adequate. The Federal Audit identified some issues with reporting on the USDA ARRA Loan. A brief discussion followed, including the recent article in the Daily News.
Kristie proposed the next meeting be on Tuesday, September 17 in Colfax to discuss the 2014 budget. A brief discussion followed on the best day for board members to meet and contact Kristie with suggestions.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:34 to the GrillBilly Café where Pete and Peggy Bryan were presented with library supporters of the month, noting their efforts in moving the LaCrosse Library.
Peggy Bryan, Recording Secretary
Becky Dickerson, Board Chair
For more information, contact:
Kristie Kirkpatrick at 509-397-4366